Thank you for the information on "Xenophobia". Yes, going over the roof is probably about 5.8. Getting to the roof and going over it was pretty exciting. The rock on the second pitch needs some cleaning on the holds since they are covered with black lichen. The last bolt on the second pitch is fairly close to the "Fresno Flats" bolt and I accidentally clipped that bolt instead of the "Xenophobia" bolt, but then noticed the problem and when the correct way. I did the second pitch of "Xenophobia" and the last pitch of "Fresno Flats", the 5.0 pitch, linked together with a single 60 m rope.
No, my climb "Fuck The Rough Fire" does not come anywhere close to "Xenophobia". I was going somewhat close to "Fresno Flats" at the second bolt on the second pitch of "Fresno Flats", but when I saw the bolt, I purposely went right to steeper terrain where I put in a bolt and then straight up to the "Fresno Flats" belay.
I had thought that there would be more terrain between my route and "Fresno Flats" to put up an independent belay station, but then realized once I hit the "Fresno Flats" belay that "Fresno Flats" moves right throughout its pitches. I do not think a climber on "Fresno Flats" second pitch will mistakenly go to the bolt on my climb since it is at the same height as the "Fresno Flats" but about 30-40 feet right of the "Fresno Flats" bolt. If someone thinks this bolt location is a problem, I am willing to move the bolt or other action such as changing these bolts to glue-in types so people do not get confused.
BTW, the other bolts I put in are top belay rappel ring bolts on the climbs "Made In The Shade" and "Arch Direct". These two good climbs which I have done many times ended in the middle of nowhere with poor belay protection possibilities. There are cracks near the end, but they are all hollow and flexing. One should be careful when climbing in this area because there are many thin poorly attached flakes above (mostly above) and near the end of the climb. My rope caught one and pulled off a 2 foot diameter section last week.