Hawk Dome#4 - Gadzooks, 5.10b June, 16, 2003
FA Bruce Bindner, Theresa Ho, Em Holland and Tom Lambert.
Crack to roof, and then 2 bolts.
Bruce had said in some correspondence: "No second pitch, we rapped when I encountered existing
bolted belay from the route to the left."
(I had given this info to Jerry A., but he didn't include it all on his topo.)
I'll also email you an original topo of a very early climb on Hawk in 1970 by John Eleazarian of Fresno. See if you can make sense of where it goes relative to all the newer routes.
Fresno DomeLeft of Onyx, you may or may not have Golden Showers:
http://www.summitpost.org/golden-showers/163834Also, possibly relevant to your query, and if you didn't catch it, Casey Yorkunas posted some original topos for Fresno Dome on ST:
http://www.supertopo.com/climbing/thread.php?topic_id=1783518&tn=40This bit of history on routes may also be helpful, posted by Doug Robinson on ST awhile back:
"First of all, let's call it Wamello. John Muir noted that was its name, and we always used Wamello at the Rockcraft School with Royal.
Then, we had climbed the South Buttress ("South Pillar" in Spencer) back in the Rockcraft days in the early 70s. I guided it then, onsight. Not claiming the FA myself, but it was definitely a Rockcraft route. We avoided the bolted crux by starting in from the right, maybe 50 feet up the gully. I like the direct start, though. Much finer line.
"Fresno Flats" was originally 5.8X. I was the instigator of retrobolting it back in the mid-90s. That could be controversial, so here's the deal: The FA is listed as "Unknown." I asked around for a couple of years but could not find out who did it so I could talk to them. It seemed sad to me to waste a beautiful, beginner-friendly slab on a death route. So when I couldn't find the first ascentionists to talk to, I managed to find the cojones to lead it, then laid out the retrobolting. Mike Arechiga actually installed the bolts. We are pleased with its current condition and I have guided at least 20 ascents. Everyone like the climb.
FWIW, we now call that climb Wamello Rising, as Fresno Flats seems so uninspiring.
No doubt you have fresh topos for newer routes on Wamello. I'll just mention two:
A new bolted route maybe a year old has cropped up on that same slab, between Wamello Rising and Watership Down. I climbed it on Sunday, and it's good. 5.8 off the deck, well-protected, good position. There are now a number of bolted variations over the headwall above, from 5.8R to 5.10a.
You probably have topo for the right extension off Mule Train, 2 pitches, 5.9, FA Lawrence Garcia."