Earlier this week I called my buddy Chris and brought up the idea of South Pillar during the full moon on Thursday night, 9/19. He was in and then Danny and Kalem were in. Plan was set. Go to work Thursday, come home and we meet at my house, drive up and climb, return home and go to work.
We got a late start and parked at 8:30. Took extra time to pack because we were all looking for extra layers. Hiking in, as soon as we crested for the hike down to the base the temp went up about 10 degrees. Peeled layers moon was bright and off we went. Had to use headlamps for the first 100' due to tree shadow darkness. After that the headlamps were not needed.
Very few times is everything perfect, weather, views, friends, the rocks, which makes it feel it was preordained. What an awesome night with all the city lights glowing in the valley. The silence only broken by our woops! and the woops of bats. 2 of our party had never climbed the route or at Fresno Dome. While enjoying the ledge on top of P2, we saw two headlamps coming to the base of South Pillar. Before long I here yell if it is Adam(Micronut). He woops back and he and Scott(Macronut) are coming up.
We top out and head to truck for snacks and beer. Adam and Scott take their time to get some good pics. We promise each other a yearly repeat of the first annual Lunesta Fiesta.
Get home at 4:45, go take a shower at Metalmark so I don't wake the fam and back to work at 0600.
Will update later after some sleep with some poor pics from my phone and better ones from cameras that were brought.