Sue, you talking about Mono Hot Springs on the way to Edison/Florence? Lotto rock up there but a 3hr drive from Fresno.Still some secret tubs but it turns to a nude hippie fest in good weather. Couple of the lakes nearby are warmed and well above Mt lake temps. Haven't heard of any between those and Shuteye.
Not sure but a couple years back we met a very nice local guy, name escapes me right now [guy's first name is Rob!], and he was traveling out there just for the fun of it for the weekend with his dog Cookie... This guy finds us a bit stuck in the snow middle of the road on a day we were trying to see how far we could get too early that spring, and we ended up spending the better part of the afternoon having good conversation and beers with him, more than a couple which we offered for his trouble, and playing fetch with Cookie. He told us about what I think may be the Mono hot springs... Are they all natural or are they built-out with cement tubs or some such? And are they fee-free or pay?
There are some really beautiful hot springs in Oregon that I've been to, but same situation can happen where they can get mobbed...