After having a sandwich for lunch, I went down to the garage and tried some 1/4" bits. Comparison is a 1/4" SDS (DeWalt, Germany) with a 1/4" A-Taper (Relton, USA). First I sharpened both and I used the BD hammer for pounding.

They drilled at the same rate so I can't say one drills better than the other.Somewhere around 100 hits, the A-Taper bit started to bend. The bent bit actually still drilled as fast (The impulse followed the bend?) but after awhile it started to spall the top of the hole.
After the test, I hit the A-Taper a number of times about as hard as I could to see if it would bottom out. It didn't and it came out easy enough. I think the holder I sent to John was a prototype that had the taper cut with a boring bar and it was hard to get it just right. The new ones where I cut the taper with a reamer may be more accurate. I should send a replacement.
My SDS holder seems to work well. Perhaps because the striking surface is very close to the end of the bit which may keep things focused.