It was a fun time as always. More clear times than smokey. Friday eve, Saturday morn and then Sunday afternoon got a bit smokey but not too bad. One of the guys, Justin, that showed up had a legit telescope. Checked out a killer moon, Mars and Jupiter. You could actually see the rings and moons of Jupiter, Really cool. I later had him point it at some rocks during the day and wow! What a way to scout.
The area is so spread out, a lot of people went a lot of places. Paul and I ran up Little Nukey Friday morning then took some noobs to Punk Rock. Saturday a bunch of us went to Voyager and got on some fun, some tough, lines. They kept at it and I returned to prep the duck tacos which were a hit, as always. After the tacos I was planning to do an easy 4p thing on the left side of Penstemon but my partner decided against it so we took a group of 10 that went to the Upper Tier above Tiger Cage and climbed by moonlight until about 130am. Some people climbed Sunday in different spots and I know Swanson and friends took the kayaks to the island and climbed.
A lot of people camped with us on the big slab just before the Dusy trail-head parking lot but others camped further up the road. By my estimation there were probably 40+/- people that showed at some point. It was great to meet a lot of new and old friends. Mr. Courtright, Dwight Kroll, was there with Slick. I got to hang with John and Sue for a bit at camp which is always cool. I know they got on Swiss Cheese Wall at some point. About 18 of the 20 gallons of home-brew was consumed along with plenty of other drinkables.
The only downer was the fire ban (outside of an established camp ground) had just gone into affect earlier that week so we didn't have the camp fire to gather around.
Already looking at dates for next year.