Hi DG. Have you been to Hawk Dome before? If not, the lower approach is much better if you are specifically going to HD. The parking is just past Fresno Dome camp ground, 1/4 mile, on the right side of a sharp left switch back in the road. Cross the dry creek with the huge log following the logging road. As it trends right and down hill, go straight on trail and begin going up. Follow trail to base of hawk. About 20 minutes.
Most of the climbs are in the 10's and are all fun. Bring nuts and slings for knobs, cams not really needed but you will find some places for them. To the right of the toe is a ledge. There are 3 routes from ground to ledge .11a, .10c & 5.9 (L to R). Once on the ledge there is an .11a starting in a short corner with a roof. to the right of the .11a is a .9, .8, .10a, 10a, .10a and .10c that goes up from a cave like area on the ledge that you can squeeze thru the back to more rock and climbs.
There are also climbs to the left of the ledge area. Most people climb the routes from the ledge going up and can be TRd if you chose. They go up 3 pitches to the top. The right side of the second pitch ledge has several variations with a fun trad exit on the right side. You can walk off/scramble on the back side but the walk around is not quick. You can also rap into the gully, climbers right, between HD and Fresno Dome with one 60m rope. Rapping back down the pitches will tangle you in the chicken heads.
4 more climbs can be found in the gully toward the top just below Eraser Head (small formation for TR on top in the notch between Fresno Dome). Also toward the bottom of the gully as you head back to the hole in the back of the cave you will find more climbs.
PMd you