They are part of the constitutional county movement , which has extremely strong underpinnings of support from the constitution. It is the very last thing control freaks and big ,bloated government types want to see. I lived in Boulder when the hardcore enviros declared the climbing community to be the enemy and tried to get us kicked out of Eldorado State Park and off of Flagstaff mountain above Boulder (some of the coolest bouldering in the country, plus a very high speed bike ride down if you put the effort into riding up or hitched a lift to the top). basically this movement brings back into clear focus that the counties own the land as per the constitution and the feds are merely stewards for the people, not owning the land in any way, shape, or form except for a few very tightly delineated instances.And not able to sell it either. And I have read enough postings by the moderator of the monument site to surmise SuperDee and DJ on this page may perhaps be one and the same person. but as with all speculation I could be entirely wrong on that count and apologize in advance if that is truly the case.