Looked at Patricia Bowl photos on the web it certainly looks good.
1987 AAJ:
Consummate Corner, Patricia Bowl. While ski touring in Patricia Bowl, above the 10,000-foot road in Rock Creek Canyon, I spotted a wall of granite crags that were hidden from the road. In July, David Wilson and I hiked into the cirque in just half an hour and found one dihedral that was by far the most appealing line. It lies in a cleft about midway along the southern wall of the cirque, and begins out of a snow couloir. After negotiating the snow, two continuous 5.10 pitches led to easier climbing and the summit plateau of a minor unnamed peak. (III, 5.10+ .) (Editor’s note—At least two other routes have been done here, both 5.10.)
Galen Rowell
1990 AAJ:
Patricia Bowl, Rock Creek Area. Paticia Bowl is a high bowl directly above (northwest) of Rock Creek Lodge. Access is via the trail from just above Rock Creek Lake. On the right (north) side of the bowl is a series of towers on the ridge. E-Ticket (5.10b) climbs the obvious crack system on the large, clean, rectangular tower on the left for two pitches. Diamond Star Tower (5.10, two pitches) ascends the south side of the beautiful tower on the far right. The tower is visible from Rock Creek Lodge. Templo del Sol (5.11/12, four pitches) is on the longest continuous section of good-quality rock near the head of the bowl on its left side. The formation looks like a temple halfway up with vertical pillars on each side. The route ascends an obvious crack/corner system to the left side of the ledge, then up a very thin finger crack on the wall above. Two rappels got us down. Take a double set of protection from tiny to 3½". All routes were done by Todd Vogel, Pat Kent and me.
Richard Leversee