Author Topic: Seeking FA Information-West of the San Joaquin  (Read 3886 times)


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Seeking FA Information-West of the San Joaquin
« on: May 07, 2014, 08:07:34 am »
If anyone has information about any of these routes, please contact me at


Disappearing Dome
Bolted routes on weird pillar above dome.

Fuller Buttes

West Butte
Single pitch face route high in gulley between the Buttes. Starts on thin flakes. Old bolts have been replaced.

East Butte
A-One pitch(?) climb below the left side of main prow. Starts on ramp that is also the exit pitch of Eagle Buttress and Southwest Buttress routes. Bolts and anchor.

B-Dyke route on slab below Southern upper amphitheater. Anchor at lower end of dyke, but no apparent way to get there from below. Project?

C-Route starting from the SW Buttress climb. Leaves upper left side of the buttress and continues up face to an overlap. Close to previous dyke route. Continue straight up from overlap?

D-SE Face Climb - Climb that heads towards the Hourglass feature of the South East Face. Possibly taking the same line as Walking With Walt without having to use the bolt ladder? Old anchor (replaced by JA on WWW ascent, studs still visible) and lead bolts leaving far left end of the gigantic block of SE Face, the right side of which is the Beckey Route. Walking With Walt P5 bolt ladder goes right through this pitch, like right through it with old bolts on either side of the bolt ladder.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 08:01:44 am by John »