Hi John, hope all is well, they are all mad at my for posting stuff on my Facebook the Volcanics, Lost Eagle swimming holes and the routes on the back side of Golden Toad, Matt S is really pissed off!!! Mike Arechiga making friends!!! Any way the bolted route left of Odssey and the bolted route right Plate route, it's funny the people who are all mad at me said they do not want to wait in line on climbs and the areas I posted on my Facebook, but I have not seen any other climbers this season up there since the fresno dome full moon gathering, this season has been the most mellow of seasons no one up there climbing I think the the fires, heat, and the roads have kept climbers from coming here, seems like courtright has been the super busy place this season and not southern yosemite, thanks for getting back with me was thinking you were not happy with me as well because of what Dave Daly was saying to me, Jerry G had talked to me about Lost Eagle swimming holes as well, not sure why they would get mad about posting on my Facebook it's not like I posting stuff on supertopo and tell the world or put out a guide book to southern Yosemite, maybe I am being over sensitive about stuff??? Thanks again hope to run in to you two this season happy climbing Mike A.