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General Discussion / Re: Open invite - Bass Lake group camp, November 5-7
« Last post by mungeclimber on December 10, 2021, 08:42:00 am »
Didn’t see this here, but appreciate the shout out
General Discussion / Re: Never better never the same
« Last post by mungeclimber on December 10, 2021, 08:40:28 am »
Planning my return
General Discussion / Re: Never better never the same
« Last post by susan on December 09, 2021, 07:21:23 pm »
Oh man, one shouldn't draft a post while falling to sleep, that's what the gibberish meant. But I do.... really do miss Soyo.
General Discussion / Re: Never better never the same
« Last post by daniel banquo merrick on December 09, 2021, 06:37:46 am »
I don't know what o. Ferris our rhernn means but I am looking forward to next year and watching spring arrive. I'm hoping for a wild flower show. I've moved farther away but still hope to spend some time in SoYo.
General Discussion / Never better never the same
« Last post by susan on December 07, 2021, 09:40:49 pm »
Just had a serious attack of homesickness for wandering around the dirt camps of the Fullers under a big dark sky near the sound of the gorge below and so many stars out one feels totally connected and at peace enjoying the beauty of the night. This has been a tough time in the burned wood of Soyo. wondering what people found and their perspective o. Ferris our rhernn

Happy holidays
Fresno Dome Area / Fresno Dome
« Last post by mike a on November 15, 2021, 07:09:37 pm »
Lets of route activity Zippity and Panorama walls, replacing old hardware witch I am ok with, but the some people are adding and move bolts on old established routes witch in my opinion not cool!!! Please show my the climbing ethics???we all know who is doing this, no names need to be (mentioned)! But I just do not get it??? Why does one feel the need to change history of a route especially when one never climbs it??? I find this actions are selfish and reckless at best!!! In my opinion it is as easy for these people to erase history as my going on a mission to erase as many of there routes possible!!! Happy Climbing Mike A.
General Discussion / Open invite - Bass Lake group camp, November 5-7
« Last post by splitclimber on November 03, 2021, 08:41:08 am »
Hey all you Soyo climbers!  How have you been?

 I'm organizing a climbing and camping trip this weekend November 5-7 at The Knoll group campsite at Bass Lake. I know this is pretty last-minute.  I thought I would get a good turn but I have a lot of availability so I thought I would throw this out there to see if anyone wants to come and camp Friday and Saturday nights and go climbing.

 So far we only have seven or eight people going.  We have room for 30 at the group camp.  The tentative plan is to go to Fresno dome or maybe chilkoot area.

General Discussion / Re: Road closures for 2021?
« Last post by mungeclimber on September 13, 2021, 08:59:43 pm »
Thought I saw that road 222 was evac'd? Different area? Forest closure order was issued for SNF, yeah?

General Discussion / Re: Lunesta Fiesta 2021
« Last post by susan on July 29, 2021, 10:59:49 pm »
Sounds like a good time as always and a lot of tacos! Glad to hear it! We will make it another time for sure. The brew must have been exceptional as always. Wondering if the weather held.
Some of my favorite memories of parties turned out to be in surprising storms. 
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