« Last post by mike a on April 15, 2022, 08:00:16 am »
Morning, I was there last Sunday climbing on the new routes Grahm and Sean put up last Dec. At first glance one would say (wow lots of bolts)!!! but climbing the new routes, they a pretty fun and did not skip any on the clips. Last Dec Bill Price and I put up one of the route on the West Face but only got the first pitch in because snow block the road, so with what Grahm and Sean and Bill and I put up on the West Face since last Dec, their are 4 new route there for now. Grahm and Sean's routes are 3 pitch sport routes that go to the top of the dome in the 5.10+ range, the route we put up the first pitch is 5.9- and we named it Bumping Heads, and can read Sean's comments about it on MP LOL :-) and as far the peregrine falcon's go, they are not nesting up on the wall where the new routes are in question. Hope that up date was helpful, happy climbing Mike A.