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Fresno Dome Area / Re: Camping
« Last post by djh650 on October 17, 2023, 10:54:32 pm »
Visited this past weekend & had a killer time! Camping was easy (nobody else) and the climbing was great. Day one we climbed whiskey bill to the top & realized we made the mistake of leaving our packs at the bottom. Finished the day on the left side of zippity. What is the correct way of topping out busy bee 5.8? I ended up traversing to the good jug on the 10b & clipping the last bolt.  Next day we led bananarama & TRed about 10 routes on panorama.  Hope to be back soon.
Fresno Dome Area / Re: Camping
« Last post by wingnut on September 05, 2023, 08:53:35 am »
The FS has actually closed the Fresno Dome campground. However, you can camp right at the trailhead if you like, or there are many spots for dispersed camping right off the road, you will see them as you drive by. It's not very busy up there generally, you will find somewhere to stay, no problem.
If you do want a "real" campground the Chilkoot campground is open, its maybe a ~25 min drive from the climbing. not sure how busy it is, I've never stayed there myself

Fresno Dome Area / Camping
« Last post by djh650 on September 04, 2023, 08:33:41 pm »

Looking for any beta for Fresno Dome camping that I should know about. is the campground normally filled up this time of year on a friday night? I don't mind disperesed camping at all, so if there are good sites, please let me know! First time visiting Fresno Dome, will be my 2nd time to SoYo (Shuteye ridge rocks!!)
General Discussion / Re: Lunesta Fiesta 2023
« Last post by DaveyTree on August 30, 2023, 05:26:52 pm »
Duck tacos Saturday night for anyone interested. Matt rented a porta-potty he is bringing up to limit the amount of TP and crap left in the woods. Ground zero will be at the trailhead. I will be up there starting tomorrow evening if anyone wants to come early.
General Discussion / Re: Lunesta Fiesta 2023
« Last post by wr_mizzard on August 17, 2023, 10:10:39 am »
Thanks for posting this up! It sure has been quiet here, hopefully there will be a nice turnout this year. I'll try to bring the family out.

General Discussion / Lunesta Fiesta 2023
« Last post by DaveyTree on August 09, 2023, 08:14:33 pm »
Hi y’all, been a while since I have been on here. Lots of changes to my schedule, days off, kids getting married, becoming a grampa, having to put down my lab “Starlord” and more.

Hope all is well and will be great to see some faces I haven’t for a while. Lunesta will be Sept 1-3, may stay until the 4th. It will be a return to Fresno Dome.
Balls Area / Re: Nightwatch
« Last post by wingnut on July 21, 2023, 12:21:49 pm »
Grahm Doe clarified my confusion regarding left ski track! I was on a new route to the right of ski track which tackles the water runnel direct, and is indeed 5.11-
Balls Area / Re: Nightwatch
« Last post by wingnut on July 09, 2023, 06:55:18 pm »
I finally ventured out to Nightwatch and climbed a number of routes on the main steeper face. I climbed what I thought I was Left Ski track, (the left water runnel of the 2 obvious runnels on the rightish side of the steeper main face). The climb has been fully bolted and is a full on sport climb for 2 pitches. Climbing into the water runnel off the ledge was tough, I though maybe 5.11- for about 15 feet and then somewhat sustained 5.10 climbing for several more bolts before the difficulties eased.

Its honestly mind boggling to imagine doing that pitch with no bolts as Tom Higgins must have. He also described it as having one 5.9 or 5.10 move, My question for the SoY sages is

1) Was Tom Higgins just that big of a bad ass that he described 5.11R as one move of 5.9 and did that thing with no pro?


2) Is left ski track actually the solitary water runnel in the center of the face which looks more moderate?


3) Is the move actually 5.9 and I am just way more out of shape than I thought?

General Discussion / Re: Beasore Road open
« Last post by daniel banquo merrick on July 01, 2023, 06:54:55 am »
I bet there are a lot of trees down and roads blocked.
General Discussion / Beasore Road open
« Last post by mungeclimber on June 30, 2023, 03:40:52 pm »
***NOW OPEN***
Beasore Road, Grizzly Road (Open from Beasore to 4S81), Central Camp Road, Whisky Falls Campground, Kelty Meadow Campground and access to Fernandez Trailhead now open and more…
Bass Lake Ranger District The following campground/picnic sites/hiking trails are now open to the public.
Developed camp sites
Chilkoot, Forks, Lone Sequoia, Lupine-Cedar; Redinger Lake, Soquel, Spring Cove, and Summerdale by reservation only on
Greys Mtn is available on a first come first served basis.
Picnic Sites
Denver Church, Fall Beach, Indian Flat, Lakeside, Little Denver Church, McCLendon Beach, Pine Point, Pine Slope, Rocky Point and Willow Cove.
Hiking Trails
Goat Mtn, Lookout, Hite Cove, Lewis Creek National Rec Trail, Savage Lundy, Way-of-the Mono interpretive trail, and Willow Creek trail.
Please call the Bass Lake Ranger District office for information regarding hiking trails and wilderness permits at 559-877-2218 and please refer to for reservations as they become available.
High Sierra Ranger District: The following campground/picnic sites/hiking trails are now open to the public.
Developed camp sites
Lower Billy Creek, College, Rancheria, Deer Creek, Dinkey Creek, Dinkey Creek Group, Dorabelle, Kirch Flat Group by reservation only on
Bolsillo, Bear Wallow Group, Black Rock, Bretz Mill, Gravel Flat Group, and Kirch Flat are available on a first come first served basis.
Picnic Sites
McKinley Grove, Billy Creek, Florence Lake, Dowville, Trails End, Dinkey Fisherman and Dorabelle
Hiking Trails
Rancheria Falls 
Please call the High Sierra District office for information regarding hiking trails and wilderness permits at 559-855-5355 and please refer to for reservations as they become available.
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