Aaron - I've never worked with titanium but everything is possible. Let me know what it is worth to you and I'll consider it.
Jerry - Not sure which hammer you used. It was probably either the original (#1) which I had loaned to Mucci or perhaps it was one of the hammers John and Sue have. They are all different. In fact, I think all the hammers are unique in some way. In the photo you can see all the hammers I have on hand. If one appeals to you, let me know what it is worth to you. I have got from $39 to $175 for my hammers.
#1 through #5 had the original pyramidal pick, the rest have radius cut picks which I think look better. Perhaps I shuld go back to making the original.
#1 is the original DAMMERR and may be the one you used. I'm keeping this one. 13.75" 24.1oz
#12 is a stubbie head on a fiberglass handle, 13" 23.3oz
#8 is a DAMMERR 2, 13.5" 23.8oz
#11 is a DAMMERR 2, 13" 23.5oz
#15 is a DAMMERR 2 I made for Bob but haven't got to him yet, 12.75" 24.8oz
#3 is a DAMMERR 1 but the head is cut down and weighs about 2.5oz less than #1
#13 is a stubbie and weighs about 2.2 oz less than #1
#9 is a DAMMERR 2
#16 through #23 are whatever I decide they will be.
I also have #7 which is in the photo of Bob drilling on the previous page.