The Courtney Fire is apparently still burning. Started just down the hill from my inlaws house. My wife was on the phone with them when they noticed the flames. The frantically packed the cars with suitcases prepacked for just this type of emergency and got out just as the fire was sweeping around their house. They were outside when the pink retardant rained down on them from the sky - which they said felt great as it was cool and the surrounding fire was so incredibly hot.
They were able to get back to their house with a sheriff late last night to grab a few things, and were so glad that due to all the fire guarding work done around the house for the past few years - cutting back brush and trees and surrounding the house with gravel - their house was spared. As it was dark, they don't know if their propane tank blew, but could hear many explosions, sometimes super dry ponderosas, during the fire storm (and we could hear them as well when we were on the phone with them - sounded like a war zone). At least 10 homes just up the road did not fair so well. Haven't checked the reports this morning to see if any more structures were hit. Bruce, Grahm, and others further down the road were likely out of the path of the fire and are hopefully OK. Hoping the best for all affected!