I must be mentally ill, but when I see the Courtright thread mis-categorized under Southern Yosemite I start rocking in a ball in the corner. So instead of taking pills, I started a new category in which Courtright fits more appropriately.
Munge suggested a Southern Sierra category early on in the existence of this site and I felt that most of the subject matter may be a little too far from Southern Yosemite so nothing happened. A big part of why I resisted was based on how I didn't want to dilute the focus on Southern Yosemite.
I recognize that the information added to a forum like this is valuable. I still want to avoid thinning out the focus with too many subjects but I think that there are some peripheral areas that seem to fit nicely, and one was the Shaver Lake/Courtright/Tollhouse/Patterson Bluffs areas so I made room for these with a new category named "Beyond Southern Yosemite".
This is a climbing site so almost any subject about climbing is welcome, but I would like to stay centered on Southern Yosemite. If the subjects spill over to other areas more than intended, that would be an indication that a separate site may be needed some day. Probably not my department, but I would happily help set someone up who may be interested in doing one.
Please feel free to comment on the site or privately. Thanks.