Author Topic: Posting Photos and Videos  (Read 9699 times)


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Posting Photos and Videos
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:34:09 pm »
To post photos:

Forum Members are welcome to store their photos here if they are logged in:

For sake of space, I would prefer that you use this when you have either exhausted your other photo sharing space, if you are frustrated with using those sites or have had technical issues with them.

Using a popular photo-sharing site for posting on the internet (Like Photobucket, Flickr, Google Drive, etc.):

Edited 7/12/2013
Note: Some labels of have changed in Photobucket so I edited the instructions to reflect this.
Photobucket as used on a cell phone/smartphone is totally different so most of these instructions may not apply.

1. You need to start an account at some sort of photo hosting site like Flickr, Photobucket, Smugmug, etc. I have a Photobucket account so I will explain what to do with their site.

2. Load the image you wish to post into an album on your hosting site by clicking the upload button and either use the browse button to access your files or drag-and-drop them in.

3. Once they are in an album, open the photo you want to post so it shows in the large size view. When it opens, there will be a box on the right that is labeled "Links To Share This Photo". Click "Direct". This will save the computer code on your computers temporary clipboard.

4. Start a post on the forum. Click the icon for Insert Image. It looks like a tiny photograph of the Mona Lisa. It will show up like this ( but without the "code" word or the blue background):

Code: [Select]
Put your cursor between the two brackets right ]HERE[ and paste the link from your clipboard. It should look like this( but without the "code" word or the blue background):

Code: [Select]
5. If you want to say something about the photo, just type it like you normally would but if you want it below the image, type it below the line of code you just pasted. For above, type it above the code. Like this:

Code: [Select]
Here is a photo of our climb. It was fun!!


I recommend it!

Why is my photo sideways??!!
Once you have uploaded your photo it may be sideways. If it is sideways in the site photo album it will be sideways on the forum.

To correct this go to the Photo Album and click the rotate arrow below the photo to correct. If you have already posted a photo and it is still sideways even after you rotated it in the photo album you can either 1)Wait; the browser will correct it probably the next day. Or 2) Add ?3 to the end of the link like this:

[img ][/img ]

Your browser will consider it a different image than the casched one which is posting sideways.

To embed videos into a post:

1. In Photobucket you upload a video file just like you would a photo. Open the video and in the window on the right that has "Video Links" as the title you want to click "HTML Code" and this will save the necessary code for embedding on your computers clipboard.

2. Start a post and paste the code where you want your video window.

3. It will not work unless you add "[html ]" on the line immediately above the code and "[/html ]" on the line immediately below.

Important note: Don't type the quotation marks and the html examples I am showing have an additional space added after "html" so they don't work so yours should not have any spaces at all when you type them in.

It should look like this:

If you need more help, feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 07:32:03 am by John »


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Re: Posting Photos and Videos
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2013, 10:21:16 am »
I just added a new feature that allows accessing Photobucket accounts directly from the posting window.

Let me know how it works out.


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Re: Posting Photos and Videos
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2013, 12:25:07 pm »
A shared picasa account isn't so cool. I wouldn't do it, John, esp. just on account of 'lil old me.


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Re: Posting Photos and Videos
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2013, 12:47:22 pm »
Flickr maybe? I want to do whatever I can to make it easier to post photos. It is a pain in the ass and almost impossible if you're on a cell phone.


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Re: Posting Photos and Videos
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2013, 08:28:15 am »
I added a plugin to the site that resizes big images to the width of your browser. It does not appear to resize when using "preview" but will resize when posted. If anyone has any problems with viewing photos let me know. Thanks.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 08:33:14 am by John »

mike a

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Re: Posting Photos and Videos
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2014, 08:17:18 am »
morning, i thought i should put something in the new fresno/wamello dome about the spencer's book southern yosemite and the fun cartoons they put in the book :-)


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Re: Posting Photos and Videos
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2014, 10:41:01 am »
Forum Members are welcome to store their photos here if they are logged in:

Later I will probably write some more features for finding your uploaded photos easier and do things like delete and rotate. Any other suggestions are welcome.

For sake of space, I would prefer that you use this when you have either exhausted your other photo sharing space, if you are frustrated with using those sites or have had technical issues with them.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 10:49:34 am by John »