Too funny! I have wrestled with raccoons in attics when I used to do some trapping as a job. You get one of those big mamas on the end of a catch pole, you better hang on. Eyes turn red and all plans are out the window.
Jerry, If I end up going to Danland I will let you know. I have yet to go but everything I have heard about Danland is that it is a fun spot with some good cracks to boot. Got to talk to a few people at the Reel Rock showing who climb there pretty often. They got me jazzed about a visit. Just park at the gate a few miles out of 3-Rivers toward Mineral King and head up the trail on left side of road. Trail reported to be very well maintained. I was also told there is a weather station on Case Mt. across the way from Danland which is the same elevation that will give a pretty accurate weather picture for climbing there.
Hidden Rocks doesn't have near the amount of established climbing routes but potential for FAs. There were a couple lines I spotted back in the day but never went back to get on them. There is a couple fun cracks, "Z" and "Y" crack. If memory serves me right they are 10b and 10d. They start at the same spot with Z heading up and Y taking a left at the kneee bar hueco spot. If you climb Y crack taking the left, DO NOT clip the the piton. It is there holding in a large boulder. Makes for additional excitement. Elev' is 5,870 so it definitely got snow. I can give you GPS cords if you message/text me.
I just saw pictures of a buddy's house who lives on Lower Cressman's Road @ 4,800'. From this storm, Tuesday night, he got around 6"-10" of snow already.